
Pilot Description
In the pursuit of an effective energy transition, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) play a central role by managing the flexibility resources of various entities, including aggregators, large prosumers, and residential prosumers. The key is to coordinate these flexibility resources within the local distribution network, equipping DSOs with the necessary tools to monitor the deployment of resources installed by different actors. Our focus turns to the role of the small DSO, CUERVA, acting as an Energy Community Developer. The target area is the village of Fornes, located in Granada. Leveraging full digitalization with real-time data from sensors and devices, CUERVA, in collaboration with the town council, aims to establish a Green Community in Fornes. To achieve this, small PV plants will be installed at each of the five public supply points (school, town hall, etc.), facilitating energy sharing among Green Community participants. CUERVA, working closely with VERGY (an affiliated partner responsible for the Living Lab community), will implement energy community planning and gamification activities to enhance prosumer engagement. Drawing inspiration from successful practices in the Portuguese and Irish pilots, CUERVA will replicate data-driven services to ensure the effectiveness of the Green Community in Fornes.
- Investigate a Small DSO as Energy Community Developer
- Targeting a village located in Granada with more than 300 inhabitants
- Establish a Green Community in the village
- 5 public supply points and more than 25 people, with a Solar PV in each point installed